About Diriyah

Entrepreneurship Initiative

The Diriyah Entrepreneurship Initiative invites you to join a transformative journey. In Diriyah, where history meets innovation, we empower entrepreneurs and businesses. Get access to top experts, educationally transformative workshops, mentor office hours, co-working spaces, a dynamic network and much more!


Diriyah Accelerator

An opportunity to develop and grow your business to new heights. educationally transformative workshops, mentor office hours, co-working spaces, a dynamic network and much more! educationally transformative workshops, mentor office hours, co-working spaces, a dynamic network and much more!

Entrepreneurship Partner

Frequently asked questions

Who is the target group of the Initiative?
  • Workshops & Events: Depending on the topic, the target group could include high school and university students, current and aspiring entrepreneurs, established professionals and leaders, or existing and potential partners of Diriyah.
  • Accelerator Program: Entrepreneurs with existing businesses that are relevant to Diriyah.
How can I benefit from the Diriyah Entrepreneurship Initiative Programs?

You can benefit from Diriyah Entrepreneurship sessions by registering and attending various events and workshops that will enrich your entrepreneurial knowledge, develop your skills and expand your network of communication with common stakeholders.
Should you get accepted to the Diriyah Accelerator Program, you can further benefit from mentor office hours, access to co-working spaces, a dynamic network through a 12-week program, which will enable you to grow and scale your business.

Is the Initiative designed for residents of Diriyah only?

No, the Diriyah Entreprenuership Initiative is not limited to residents of Diriyah. Any individual who has an interest in entrepreneurship or a business that is relevant to Diriyah, is welcome to be part of this initiative.